Home Chemistry Lecture Notes

Nutrition proctored

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Ch 1 3 macronutrients in the foods we eat  Carbs  Protein  Fat Carbs Should make up 45-65% of calories Function:  Provide energy  Help regulate fat and protein metabolism  Cardiac and CNS functioning  Carbs provide 4 cal per gram of energy Glycogen Def: stored carb energy in liver and muscle ad is released in between meals to help regulate blood sugar levels Fiber 25 g 38 g /day men Protein 10-35 % of calories 0.8 g/per kg of body weight Function: tissue building, metabolism, immune function, maintain neutral nitrogen balance, wound healing Complete proteins have essential amounts of all 9 essential amino acids Found in Animal sources and soy There are also incomplete proteins Provide 4 cal/g of energy Protein energy malnutrition  Koashacore  Marasmus Lipids/ fats  20-35% daily calories  Less than 10% from sat fats and ideal less than 7%  Stored energy for body, padding and insulation, hormone production and fat soluble vitamins.  Cholesterol limited to 200-300 mg/day  9 cal/ g of energy Vitamins Fat-soluble and water Water Vit c and B complex (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, biotin, folate, cobalamin Vitamin C  Tissue building  Metabolism  Iron absorption * Found in  Fruits and citrus juices  Tomatoes  Green leafy peppers Deficiency Scurvy Bleeding Joint pain Swollen gums Times of stress and illness ^ Smokers need more B complex Metabolism ‘engery Nerve functions Foods Meats Milk Grains Whole grains Lumens Green leafy vegs Deficiency Thyamin B1 – Berry berry – common with ETOH Riboflavin B2 – chilosis, glositits Folate – neuro inutero defects Cobalamin B12 – pernicious anemia Intrinsic factor lacking can cause lack of B12 absorpt. Fat-soluble ADEK Carry a risk of toxicity bc they are stored in the body for a a long time. So you can over dose. Conditions that impair the absorption
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