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Preeclampsia-Eclampsia RAPID Reasoning (Unfolding Clinical reasoning case study)

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Dana Myers, 40 years old Primary Concept Intracranial Regulation Interrelated Concepts (In order of emphasis) 1. Perfusion 2. Reproduction 3. Clinical Judgment © 2016 Keith Rischer/www.KeithRN.com RAPID Reasoning Case Study: STUDENT Preeclampsia-Eclampsia History of Present Problem: Dana Myers is a 40-year-old woman, G-3 P-2 who is 34 weeks gestation. Her health care provider has been monitoring her weekly because her blood pressure has been increasing the past month and is currently 146/88. Last week she had 1+ non-pitting edema of both lower extremities (BLE) and her urine was negative for protein. Today during her clinic visit, Dana’s BP was 168/90. She had 2+ proteinuria and 3+ pitting edema BLE. She also complained of a mild headache in the center of her forehead, and seeing “spots.” Fetal heart tones via Doppler are 136/minute in the lower left quadrant. Abdominal measurement from pubic bone to top of fundus is 31 cm. The primary care provider was concerned and Dana has been admitted to the community hospital labor and delivery unit to be evaluated for severe preeclampsia. You are the admitting nurse responsible for her care. Personal/Social History: Dana has two children, ages two and four. She is married and both she and her husband are excited to have another baby, but have been concerned about this pregnancy. Dana’s previous two pregnancies were healthy, without incident, resulting in the vaginal births of a boy, then a girl. Dana’s parents live in the same town and are supportive. Dana works part-time teaching English at the local community college. Her husband is an engineer who works full time and is occasionally out of town for work. Dana is generally healthy, without any chronic illnesses. She does not smoke or use recreational drugs. She reports drinking socially but refrains while pregnant.
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