Business Research > Questions and Answers > Quiz 1 Answers - Part 2

Quiz 1 Answers - Part 2

Which of the following does NOT accurately describe your company's camera/drone business and operations? a.The company has two buildings for assembling products at its Taiwan site­­one for cameras and one for drones (the drone assembly process also includes assembly of an action­camera mo ... del having features and specifications suitable for use in cameraequipped drones). b.No camera models or drone models are assembled in advance, warehoused in company facilities, and then used to fill incoming orders. c. Your company maintains regional facilities in Milan, Italy; Singapore, Sao Paulo, Brazil; and Dallas, Texas to handle the company's marketing efforts in each of the world's principal geographic regions. to support the merchandising efforts of area retailers who stock the company's brand of action­capture cameras and UAV drones. and to process camera/drone warranty claims (including making needed repairs) originating in their respective geographic regions. d.The unmanned aerial view (UAV) drones assembled at the Taiwan plant are sold directly to buyers at the company's website and to other online retailers of commercial drones in each geographic region. e.The company makes the majority of the needed camera components at facilities close to its Taiwan assembly plant; newly­produced camera components are transferred by truck on a just­in­time basis to the company's camera assembly facilities where the company operates a 250­person assembly line capable of turning out 3.250 cameras per hour. There is ample space at the camera assembly facility to add two more 250­ person assembly lines should they be needed later to fill incoming buyer orders. f.Once the company's action­capture cameras are assembled and tested. the company ships them across the world to multi­store chains and online retailers that sell electronics products and to a wide variety of local retail shops stocking and merchandising (or sometimes renting) action­capture cameras to their customers. 2. Worldwide unit sales of wearable, miniature action­capture cameras are reliably projected to grow a. 6­8% annually for Years 6­10 and then to grow at a slower 4­6% annual rate during the Years 11­15. rates that can range from as little as 5% annually to as high as 15% annually. about 10% annually through Year 15. [Show More]

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