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Quiz 33 HIUS 202

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Russia under the leadership of Vladimir Putin has experienced a. a sharp decline in ethnic and racial prejudice. b. the revival of a nationalist-driven foreign policy agenda. c. a rise in life expectancy due to improved health and social services. d. a dramatic increase in exports and decline in imports resulting in economic growth. Hide Feedback Correct In contemporary Europe a. Muslim immigrants and multiculturalism are increasingly under attack. b. most governments are loosening immigration laws in the hope of easing tensions. c. religious extremism has declined during the last two decades. d. Muslims have successfully integrated into Western society, especially in France. Hide Feedback Correct  Check My Work In Boris Yeltsin's term as Russian President, "shock therapy" a. made allegiance to the Russian Orthodox Church compulsory. b. came to refer to the practice of using secret police to suppress dissent. c. reformed the Russian Army by purging all members of the Communist Party. d. was used to transform the state-run economy into a capitalist market system. Hide Feedback Correct  Check My Work The "oligarchs" who appeared under Yeltsin in Russia were a. patriarchs of the newly-revived Russian Orthodox Church seeking power. b. businessmen who bought state-owned industries at very low prices. c. members of the Russian secret police who maintained faith in Communism. d. poor workers who asserted claims to land owned by their families before 1917. Hide Feedback Correct The postwar Muslim immigrants in Europe a. were required to live in ghettos by anxious Western European governments. b. found the values of liberal democracy at odds with Islamic teachings. c. made great strides in achieving economic success and political advancement.
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