Statistics > Questions and Answers > Unit 1 Review Quiz What is a population, what is a sample, and what is the difference between them? What is a population?

Unit 1 Review Quiz What is a population, what is a sample, and what is the difference between them? What is a population?

Unit 1 Review Quiz What is a population, what is a sample, and what is the difference between them? What is a population? A. A population is a characteristic found by summarizing raw data. B. A population is the range of values that a parameter is likely to take. C. A population is a portion ... of the entities of interest to a researcher that the researcher uses to gather data. D. A population is the set of entities that are not contained in a sample. E. A population is the entire group of entities of interest to a researcher. What is a sample? A. A sample is a portion of the entities of interest that the researcher uses to gather data. B. A sample is the range of values that a parameter is likely to take. C. A sample is a characteristic found by summarizing raw data. D. A sample is the entire group of entities of interest to a researcher. E. A sample is the set of entities that are not contained in a population. What is the difference between a population and a sample? A. If an entity is in the population then it cannot be in the sample. B. A population is only a part of a complete sample. C. A sample is only a part of a complete population. D. If an entity is in the sample then it cannot be in the population. E. There is no difference. A population and a sample are the same thing. [Show More]

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