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Walden University: NRNP 6640 Week 11 Final Exam with answers

Question 1 1 out of 1 points Linda is a 65-year-old patient who has completed initial treatment for alcohol addiction and anxiety problems. She is motivated to continue her treatment gains and have a healthy lifestyle. How would the PMHNP apply a mindfulness approach to this case? Question 2 ... 1 out of 1 points A PMHNP is assessing a 60-year-old patient named Carlos. He has severe PTSD and mild substance abuse issues. The most appropriate setting to treat Carlos would be a _________. Question 3 1 out of 1 points The PMHNP is interviewing a patient with a history of substance abuse. He has attempted to stop abusing drugs three times before. He states to the PMHNP, “I just cannot change. How can you help me?!” As it applies to change, the PMHNP understands the principle of evocation to mean: Question 4 1 out of 1 points The PMHNP is assessing a 30-year-old client who reports feeling stressed out due to his current employment situation. When asked about how he manages this workrelated stress, the patient says that exercise helps him feel less anxious, so he often spends 2 or more hours at the gym each night. After completing the patient assessment, the PMHNP has determined that an existential psychotherapy approach may best benefit this client. What is the PMHNP’s goal in employing this treatment approach? Question 5 1 out of 1 points The PMHNP initiates feeling-state therapy to help a 25-year-old patient named Monique who has a compulsive urge to exercise. Using the Feeling-State Addiction Protocol, what is an appropriate next step the PMHNP should take after identifying the specific positive feeling linked with the addictive behavior and its Positive Feeling Score level? Question 6 1 out of 1 points The PMHNP uses the Adult Attachment Interview (AAI) with a male patient who reports having had a difficult time being separated from his parents during his childhood. He explains that going to school or visiting his relatives without his parents was troublesome. The PMHNP characterizes the patient as unresolved/disorganized, according to his outcomes on the AAI. What does the PMHNP anticipate from the patient?  Question 7 0 out of 1 points A PMHNP is using motivational interviewing (MI) with a 50-year-old patient named Dave to commit to a healthy drug-free lifestyle. By using “change talk,” the PMHNP hopes to help the patient build self-esteem and hope. True or false: If Dave is resisting change, the PMHNP should challenge his resistance in order for MI to be successful. Question 8 1 out of 1 points A PMHNP is using emotion-focused therapy to help a 38-year-old patient who says, “I’ve been feeling angry lately, but I’m not sure why.” The first attempt by the PMHNP is to say: .” Question 9 1 out of 1 points The PMHNP is actively listening to Ms. Thomas who is detoxing from alcohol. Ms. Thomas is currently discussing with the PMHNP the reasons why she feels guilty about her drinking. Ms. Thomas tearfully states, “I have driven my family and friends away with this terrible habit. I have no one left. I had more than enough chances and now my children won’t even talk to me.” Which of the following statements demonstrate a simple reflection? [Show More]

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